The Threat of
Christian Nationalism

Where it’s coming from and how it is being used

National Christian leaders set the record straight on what Christian nationalism really is in a new webinar from Faithful America, discussing the threat it poses to democracy as well as the Christian coalition opposed to the violent authoritarian ideology.

The webinar, held October 12, 2022, featured remarks from the Rev. Nathan Empsall of Faithful America, historian and New York Times bestselling author Jemar Tisby, the Rev. Jennifer Butler of Faith in Public Life, and the Rev. Adam Russell Taylor of Sojourners. Leaders also responded to hate-group leader and False Prophet Tony Perkins’ virtual town hall “The Rise of the Term Christian Nationalism,” during which Dr. Tisby was called out earlier in the evening.

  • “Perkins and his panel marginalized tens of millions of Christians by repeatedly conflating all Christianity with conservative white evangelical Christianity, ignoring that ours is a beautiful, diverse, global religion -- and that many, if not most, critics of Christian nationalism are Christian, including the leaders of multiple denominations. The truth is that criticizing Christian nationalism, its theocratic policy agenda, and its ties to January 6 isn’t anti-Christian. Grounded in the Gospel’s values of peace, truth, love, and speaking truth to power, it’s about as Christian as you can get.”

    — The Rev. Nathan Empsall, Faithful America —

  • “White Christian nationalism as we know it now actually has a very long history. It has proven itself to be the greatest threat to democracy and the witness of the church in the United States. [White Christian nationalists] leave no room for questions and refute the idea that people can practice Christianity in any other way than what they’re putting forward, when, in reality, Black Christians have put forth a very different model of how faith & politics interact.”

    — Jemar Tisby, PhD, historian of race and religion —

  • “Christian Nationalism is a wolf in sheep’s clothing that cloaks unbiblical ideas in Christian symbols and words. It uses Christian language and symbols to justify violence and the oppression of others. Christian nationalism is a threat to our faith and our democracy. This is the moment for Christians to reclaim our faith and our Scripture, which is a handbook for liberation and resisting tyranny. We must condemn Christian nationalism in every form and build a true multi-faith, multiracial democracy where everyone can thrive.”

    — the Rev. Jennifer Butler, Faith in Public Life —

  • “I believe in the importance of truth-telling as a Christian vocation and a Christian discipline. Christian nationalism is a grave threat to the integrity of the Christian Church and to our witness. We have to be clear that there is a strong connection between the white Christian nationalist movement and a growing anti-democratic movement in this country. Both really need to be resisted, both as a way to rehabilitate the witness of the Church and to protect what has become a more fragile democracy. We need to overcome a toxic form of nationalism with a redemptive form of patriotism.”

    — The Rev. Adam Russell Taylor, Sojourners —